Saturday, September 30, 2023

Tough times do not Last!

Tough times do not last, but tough people do.

There are reasons for all of the tough times we go through. One of them is to help us rediscover ourselves, another is to enable us purge ourselves of the negative energies (people) around us and the most important is for us to build experience. 

While there could be other reasons, these three have always been on my scale of documentation when I encounter tough times.

Basically, the primary mission of a tough time is to stretch you. You'll be so expanded and expended mentally, psychologically, emotionally and perhaps, financially to your breaking point; so much that everything around you will seem wrong. You'll lost pleasure in everything you once relished and you'll be naturally drawn to being alone. 

One of the reasons you'll feel this way will be the people (energy) around you. For some perplexing reason, some friends and acquaintances will often take delight in failing during tough times or being the singular reason for a raging storm. From excuses to non-chalance, refusing to show-up, betrayal, denial and the likes; they make the burden heavier and the pain deeper. You'll be stunned at how someone will nudge you on, blow your trumpet and assure you of their unflinching support yet, leave you out on the high sea without a life-jacket. In the end, you'll be so shock-struck to know it was envy all the while - the thought of you standing out was behind the entire imbroglio.

While the Nollywood-like script plays out, you'll be unlearning and relearning. You'll wake up from the slumber of "I know her" and "He is trustworthy". You'll trash your previous perceptions and build new ones. You'll gather fresh blocks of experience which you'll use in building new relationships, and you'll expand your resilience.

This is the reason they say experience is the best teacher. 

But note that you won't grow if you've not been baptized in experience.

There'll be no experience if you've not submitted to learning; 

and you can't learn if you've not given yourself to opportunities.

This is my story.

I've been on this table time and again, and I've come out fantastically remoulded.

If you've been here as well, don't let that experience break you! Don't let it deter you, and don't let it stop you!

Relax a bit if you want to, then spring back!

Relaunch and Refire!

Winners do not quit!

Sunday, September 17, 2023

The Risks we take daily


One of the biggest risks we take everyday is using public means of transportation. You totally submit yourself to the reckless care of one indifferent driver and he drives you straight to the grave.

Truly, if the Lord had not been on our side, many of us would have been lost and forgotten on highways and roadsides, by errant drivers.

Drivers whose sole aim is to arrive their destination and return for another trip within the shortest possible time should be most dreaded.

They're blind to gallops, road-bumps, portholes or sharp bends, and their kind of speed is the one that kills.
They can overtake, swerve and bend in a way that makes you think they have a spare life. Try to talk some caution into them and you'll have it hot. "I've been driving since 1900 and I've never had an accident", one of them boasted yesterday. "It's our road, so no shaking", he added.

As you go out and return each day, remember to thank God for always taking the wheels off the hands of these killers.
As your loved one returns from any trip, thank God for bringing them back safely.

You're no way better than those who were called to go identify a family member's body thrown on the roadside by a random driver.

God help us!

Friday, September 15, 2023

Ukanafun Youth Get N5m Business Support

…Bursaries to be paid in two weeks’ time

Priscilla Akpanettot

The youth population across the 13 Wards of Ukanafun Local Government Area were awash with excitement on Thursday, September 14, 2023, as 65 of them were empowered with cash business support worth over Five Million Naira by the Chairman of the Local Government Area, Pst. Godwin Inyieng.

Fifty Thousand Naira (N50,000) each was given to five members of each Ward, while 260 others received Five Thousand Naira, respectively.

The youth who were gathered in their numbers at the Council Secretariat at Ikot Akpa Nkuk were led by leaders of their respective Units, Wards and Clans in solidarity to the State Governor, Pst. Umo Eno, Council Chairman and his cabinet members.

In his address, Hon. Godwin Inyieng described the youth as the building blocks of society. He commended them for staying faithful and true to the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), the government of the day and his administration, and for staying on the path of peace.

Acknowledging their steadfastness, the Council Chairman recalled that a lot of them had been enticed by other political parties over the years but remained committed in their stand with the PDP. This, he said, was one of the reasons for calling them together.

Again, he joined them in appreciating the State Governor for his impact in the Local Government within 100 days of his administration.

“We have come to thank His Excellency, Governor Umo Eno for making us feel his impact within 100 days of his administration. The secondary health facility that was supposed to be, had been in a state of limbo for fifteen years but the Governor went there and in a few weeks, work will recommence there that will lead to the construction of the cottage hospital in Ukanafun”.

“Alongside, he has made a pronouncement to intervene in road construction within the medical facility of about 5KM. That is why we’ve come to make this commendation to energize him to do more. Do not forget that two illustrious sons of Ukanafun – Dr. Frank Ekpenyong and Ndiana-Abasi Nana Udom – were among the first set of Senior Special Assistants to be appointed by the Governor. And I can assure you on good authority that more are coming. We came to tell him thank you for what he has done so far”, he said.

“Luckily for us, he is bringing an agricultural program that will employ 2,000 of our youth. It is a program of the state government, being one of the critical components of the ARISE agenda, so we’re at the final stage of donating the land to the state government. And Ukanafun is coming under the first phase of that program. We are thankful to His Excellency.

The Council Chairman who also attributed some of his administration’s success to Pst. Umo Eno’s support seized the opportunity to present his scorecard.  

“We have graded roads in 10 out of 13 Wards. We’ve massively intervened in the Primary Health facility at Ikot Akpa Nkuk which was in a sorry state when we came; we’ve brought a skill acquisition centre to Adat Ifang and a big community water scheme. At the other side of the River, we have a Police station that will soon be commissioned and a school block at Afaha Ikot Akpan”.

"Importantly, 50 indigent students of Ukanafun have been awarded scholarships for two years, worth 10 million naira in various tertiary institutions. Recently, we awarded constituency projects to each of the 13 Councilors in Ukanafun and we have paid 50% of the sum for the projects. We’ve constructed two markets; one in Afaha and one in Ukanafun. These projects will be commissioned in a few weeks from now”, he informed.

Meanwhile, the Council Chairman announced the payment of bursaries to students in the area in less than two weeks from the time of the meeting with the youth. He noted that the payment would be done within the same period his wife would be meeting to appreciate women of the area, in fulfilment of what they had promised to the people.

As he presented the packages, Pst. Inyieng charged the recipients to make judicious use of it in expanding their businesses and ventures. He also advised them to refrain from vices and actions that would put the law against them, spark conflict and jeopardise the peace currently enjoyed in the area.

On receiving the package, some of the recipients shared their excitement with this Reporter. One of them was Owoidighe Isonguyo Udom, a petty trader and indigene of Ward 3 who described the financial support as just what her business needs to keep thriving. She thanked the giver and prayed for divine increase upon him.

Another recipient, Ediong Sunday Inwang of Ward 13 is a commercial driver. He lamented the impact of the fuel subsidy removal and narrated his woes with the vehicle he drives on hire purchase terms. He therefore thanked Hon. Godwin Inyieng for coming through for him at a time of desperate need.

Consequently, the youth conglomerate passed a vote of confidence on the Chairman, his cabinet members and Governor Umo Eno, respectively. The motion for the Vote Confidence were moved by Hon. Emmanuel Eventus Koka, Hon. Umakiso Victor Umoh and Iboro Ubom.

Earlier, the chairman on the occasion and Commissioner One, Local Government Service Commission in the area, Obong Saturday Akpan lauded the youth for coming together and passing a vote of confidence on the Governor, the State Party Chairman, Elder Aniekan Akpan, the entire political leadership in Ukanafun and above all, the Local Government Chairman.

Akpan said the political leadership of the area has taken special notice of the youth's resolve to be together and shun tendencies that would impact negatively on their wellbeing.

He then commended the Council Chaiman for warming himself into the hearts of the youth and for empowering them.

In his remarks, the PDP Chapter Chairman, Elder Godwin Ekpe said the Party was happy to identify with the Council Chairman on the empowerment scheme, and urged the beneficiaries to make judicious use of the money.

The youth gathering was attended by the Council’s Vice Chairman, Mrs. Inemesit Akpan; Party Youth Leader, Akanimo Etim; present and former council staff, Councilors and Supervisors; former House members, youth and women groups in Ukanafun.

Projecting Akwa Ibom is everybody's business - Ralph Edem


Priscilla Akpanettot

The business of marketing and projecting Akwa Ibom State has been described as a task for every citizen of the State by the Senior Special Adviser to Governor Umo Eno on Brand Management and Marketing.

The Brand strategist said this when the Conference of Online Publishers in Akwa Ibom (COOPA) engaged him in their annual Media Chat on Wednesday, September 15, 2023, at his Office.

The Governor's aide who was responding to questions on how he intends to market the State, vis-a-vis the ARISE Agenda argued that every member of the State community had a responsibility of making the brand known.

"Projecting the Akwa Ibom Brand is all of our responsibility. We're using whatever channels that are available to tell the Akwa Ibom story and present her in positive light to the rest of the world, because there is really no society that is developed on its own. Development has always been a function of different components, including people coming in from different parts of the world, so there can be cross-fertilization of ideas and opportunities to learn from others", he stated.

"As Akwa Ibomites, we need to talk about the positives. We need to talk about the things that make us unique and not being the ones who deride our state. The truth is, Akwa Ibom State is the only state that we have". 

"Akwa Ibom is a place that money can afford to go to. Even when we can say that there is no place on the face of the earth that is completely crime free, those of us who live here know that comparatively, Akwa Ibom is a place a lot of people would rather be, from a security point of view", he submitted.

Speaking on the present administration's steps toward economic development, Edem averred that the Governor was on track the ARISE Agenda.

"We've seen a steady trajectory of government. We've seen the style that Pastor Umo Eno has brought into government, how he has demystified government and brought it closer to the people".

"We have seen a very responsible and responsive leader in Pastor Umo Eno. We are hopeful that with God on our side and with the cooperation of all of our partners and the people, we'll be able to see the light at the end of this very long tunnel", he assured.

On the Governor's intervention to reduce the effect of subsidy removal on citizens, he noted that Governor Umo Eno has been both proactive and reactive, in his response to the people's plight; evidenced in the recent flag-off of the distribution of palliatives at Government Warehouse in Ikot Ekpene Udo, Nsit Ubium. 

"We are hopeful that with the proper governance that we know Pastor Umo Eno is ready to run, in not too long a time, the challenges imposed by fuel subsidy removal will be a thing of the past".

"There is a Leadership and Entrepreneurship Centre which is... going to be bring about different hubs that will give people an opportunity to practice what they learnt in the Leadership and Entrepreneurship Centre, and build a business from there. The government intends to encourage them by also patronising them".

"The Governor himself is an entrepreneur. He has spoken about the fact that those who will benefit from his government are those who are ready to work, not people who beg for a living or wait for handouts", he stressed. 

Meanwhile, the Senior Special Adviser expressed gratitude to the State Governor for finding him fit to be at the fore of marketing the State.

"We are already hoping that we'll be able to do enough to justify the confidence of he who appointed us and more importantly, to meet the expectations of Akwa Ibom people who voted this government into power".

"Mine is not an office that works in isolation. We have a relationship with other MDAs of government because all of us basically, we are working for the people and we want to leave a positive impression on the minds of the people. So my office has that task of ensuring that whatever it is that constitutes the Akwa Ibom brand is projected and marketed", he said.

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Govt not quiet about missing Corps Members – Ini Ememobong

Priscilla Akpanettot

Against widely held insinuations that the Akwa Ibom State Government is playing dumb about the missing Prospective Corps Members who left the State for the Sokoto State Orientation Camp, the Commissioner for Information, Comrade Ini Ememobong has stated the reverse.

The Commissioner who spoke with members of the Conference of Online Publishers in Akwa Ibom State (COOPA) on Wednesday, September 14, 2023 stressed that there was no way a government would not be responsive to the plight of her citizens; moreso, those who were apprehended on their quest for a lawful cause.

He however explained that such information is best kept secret for the sake of security.

Ememobong who was being hosted by the foremost online community in the state was speaking on the state of the State and Nation, following the fuel subsidy removal.

He submitted that the State Government was on it's part putting modalities in place to help cushion the effect of the economic inconvenience.

"what the Governor is doing is to ensure that he strategically positions himself so that, if there are negative aspects of the economic programmes of the Federal Government, he can cushion the effects on Akwa Ibom".

"What the Governor seeks to do is keep very close relationship with the government at the centre, irrespective of political party difference, to ensure that if good must come out of that government, Akwa Ibom must benefit and if an unintended wrong happens by what the Federal Government does, that he can cushion the effects here in Akwa Ibom', he said.

"Pastor Umo Eno is not just sharing palliatives but also ensuring that even at the village level, not one man sitting to share. He says the palliative is not political because multidimensional poverty knows no political party. So it's an idea of making things get to the village and creating a forum for even the Village Head to know that he's accountable to the people".

"The Village Heads know that their Certificate of Recognition is at stake. Any village where we record that a Village head on his own or in connivance with people, had allowed the palliatives not to get to the poorest of the poor", he said.

Speaking about the ARISE Agenda, the State Information Boss dismissed claims that the Agenda was interpreted from vernacular.

 "For us, ARISE is not a word. It is an acronym which stands for Agricultural Revolution, Rural Development, Infrastructural Development, Security and Education Management. The economic blueprint of Pastor Umo Eno is guided by the ARISE Agenda."

"The ARISE Agenda has five cardinal points and 18 sub-units under these cardinal points which the current administration lays its foundation. What Pastor Umo Eno has done is to transit the ARISE Agenda from being his document, to being a political party's document and now, to becoming a state document and the compass with which the ship of his administration would be navigating through the seas of development".

"Governor Umo Eno wants to undertake the ruralisation of governance and he is not hiding his passion. He doesn't hate urbanisation, but he says there is an inequitable distribution of infrastructure between the urban and the rural areas. So, development will be rural community-centric. It is now time to connect the rural areas to the urban areas", he noted.

In the build up to the State's 36 Anniversary, the Commissioner congratulated Akwa Ibom on having towered higher than her contemporaries very quickly and competing with advanced State economies such as Lagos. 

He wished the State more giant strides in the days to come and informed that the activity schedule for the Anniversary would be out by next week.

NSSEC Advocates Adoption of Minimum Standards For Senior Secondary Education

By Victor Essang


As part of measures to enhance quality education in the country, the National Senior Secondary Education Commission  (NSSEC) has advocated the adoption of minimum Standards for Senior Secondary Education.

The Executive Secretary, NSSEC, Dr Iyela Ajayi made the advocacy Wednesday during the Critique workshop on the draft document on the minimum standards for senior secondary education which took place on Uyo.

Ajayi said the national minimum standards when approved and implemented would set bench-marks for all aspects of senior secondary education in the country.

Executive Governor of Akwa Ibom State, being represented by his Deputy, Mrs. Akon Eyakenyi

"Also, the national minimum standards would play an important and critical role in the repositioning of senior education in Nigeria", he added.

He noted that the document "is aimed at ensuring that there is uniformity in the operation of senior secondary education by all operators, to put Nigeria on the same pedestrian with other nations that are ahead of her"

While calling on the critical stakeholders to put in their best in the exercise of critiquing the document, Ajayi expressed confidence that when released and implemented, the minimum standards would revolutionize senior secondary education in Nigeria.

The Headtable

Ajayi urged the state government to key into the initiative with the establishment of Secondary School Education Board to domesticate the commission act as well as follow guidelines for assessing and utilizing funds from the commission.

He thanked the governor, Pastor Umo Eno for accepting to host the workshop and for his giant strides in the education sector.

Declaring the workshop open, the Akwa Ibom state governor, Pastor Umo Eno stressed the need to improve the quality of facility and personnel in education sector for national development.

Represented by his deputy, Senator Akon Eyakenyi, the governor who described education as the heart of socio-economic development, observed, "We can't grow beyond the quality of our school system"

"If we sincerely want to fix Nigeria, we must re-visit our school system with a view to establishing certain irreducible minimum standards in the quality of personnel, infrastructures and curriculum".

While describing Senior Secondary School as a critical segment of the education chain, Eno, who said the minimum standards will benefit the state, stressed the need for proper follow up for the implementation of the document.

Participants at the event

He said his administration prioritizes skills-driven education under the ARISE Agenda and expressed readiness to invest much in the sector.

The governor disclosed that his administration was remodeling schools across the state and providing other educational materials to Akwa Ibom children.

He made case for professionalizing  teaching, set minimum standards for school infrastructures and environment update curriculum and define procedure for school licensing.

Eno lauded the Commission for the steps taken to  regulate the senior secondary school sector and for creating a platform for stakeholders to interface and critique the document.

The Director, Quality Assurance, NSSEC Alhaji Ibrahim  Abdulkareem, while welcoming the delegates from the 17 southern zone applauded Akwa Ibom state for the improvement in the education sector.

The  Commissioner for Education, Mrs Idongesit Etiebet, said the governor places education as key priority sector in his blueprint.

Etiebet said, His Excellency is usually enthusiastic and supportive of activities directed to the development of the education sector for the betterment of our children"

She pledged the partnership of the state government to the commission by paying the counterpart funding to ensure quality minimum standards of secondary education in the state.

She called on all stakeholders in the education sector to be diligent in appraising the regulatory framework to enable them arrive at positive outcomes that would guarantee quality assurance in education across the country, emphasizing that it would help children enjoy qualitative and quantitative learning anywhere in Nigeria.

The three days workshop featured, technical session and syndicate group presentation among others.

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Ukpom Road Construction to begin soon - Uyo LG Chair Assures

Ukpom Road Construction to begin soon - Uyo LG Chair Assures 

Priscilla Akpanettot

Measures have been put in place by the State Government to construct the Ukpom/Ediene Ikot Obio Imo Road, after it was long neglected.

The Chairman of Uyo Local Government Area, Dr. Uwemedimo Udo gave the hint during an interaction with the foremost Akwa Ibom online community, COOPA, in his office on Tuesday, September 12, 2023.

The Conference of Online Publishers in Akwa Ibom State (COOPA) had met with the Chairman as part of their annual engagements with relevant stakeholders todiscuss matters pertaining to economic development and progression.

According to Dr. Udo, the Ukpom Road, from Pepsi junction (by Idoro Road) has been awarded to a contractor and side drains have been constructed on it, awaiting the end of the rainy season. 

"The contractors are on site. We hope that the rains will give the contractors a chance to continue the work. It is just a matter of time and it will be completed", he assured.

Speaking on the survival of the local economy in the post subsidy removal era, the Chairman remarked that subsidy removal would have taken a gradual process, instead of happening the way it did.

"Perhaps, the government would have fashioned out ways to ameliorate the unexpected suffering of the people before subsidy removal. What we have now is that the high cost of transportation is not even commensurate with wages and other spendings. The suffering is overbearing, because we didn't have certain things on ground to take care of the removal", he said.

On his part, the Chairman informed that his administration has been consciously committed to bettering the lots of the people by putting in place modalities to ease the effect of the harsh economy on them.

"We have graded rural roads around Ikono Ibom and Etoi Clans. We have fixed power in some communities. For instance, if you go to Winners Chapel at Ikot Ebido, we upgraded the transformer at that axis from 300KVA to 500KVA and it is working for that community."

"We have done a lot in the Education Sector. Recently, we paid bursary to 392 students across 13 institutions. We needed to show that we recognise the students' community. We have reactivated the Students' Worldwide body in Uyo and paid Union dues to allow the students go home with their bursary in block. We also give regular assistance to our students."

"We have done medical outreach in collaboration with Vision Africa and the focus was on eye challenges. Medicated glasses and drugs were given free and beneficiaries didn't pay a dime", he said.

When asked of the secret behind his smooth management of the Council vis-a-vis his success, Dr. Udo gave the answer to be effective collaboration between the three arms of his government.

"I run a collaborative administration. That is why I haven't had issues with my Councillors and Supervisors. We get them involved and cross-fertilize ideas. It is not just during budget proposals. Regularly, I sit with my Councillors and it's exciting. It is not a one-man show, so you allow the Councillors have a feel of government too."

"I don't implement policies without consulting with my people. I dialogue with my Exco and Councillors, while they go back, interact with the people and get to know their needs, then we put them down in a document and get things working."

"I don't neglect the Civil Service structure. We also invest in staff welfare. We have a deep relationship with our stakeholders and accord them all the recognition they deserve. So there is a balanced equation", he stated. He noted.

"The local government level is where you learn leadership. I have the integrity that I came into government with. I don't want to hear that I deprived anyone of anything. That is why I make sure that things are sorted out well."

While speaking on the impact of his administration on the people, he reeled out his achievements within and outside the Council, adding that his last days will be focused on completing what needed to be finished, as well as the provision of a functional Law Library for the Council.

"When we got into Council, our first duty was to restore public power supply to the Council. We fixed the power substation in the Council and also acquired a 100KVA generator".

"Today, we have a Primary Health Centre at Uruan Street set up by the Council and it is up and running. 

Much more, the Council boss told the online publishers of his plans to extend the electricity in the Council to the health center next door, to help them arrest their protracted lighting challenge.

He further announced his administration's plan for a tax cut for Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (SMEs) in Uyo, to help them survive the economic downturn; while informing that a register had been opened for entrepreneurs in the Local Government Area to be documented and supported in due course. 

Highlights of the interaction was an assessment of the lighting project from the Council to the Health Centre.





Monday, September 11, 2023

COOPA Chat Returns with Uyo LG Council Boss


The Conference of Online Publishers, Akwa Ibom State (COOPA) is set for another series of discussions with key players and policy makers in the society. 

The COOPA CHAT series commences on Tuesday, September 12 with the Chairman of Uyo Local Government Area, Dr Uwemedimo Udo as the guest. 

The council boss of the state’s capital will disect issues relating to the topic;"NIGERIA IN POST SUBSIDY REMOVAL ERA: GOVERNANCE & CITIZENS ENGAGEMENT" as he briefs new media publishers on achievements during his tenure.

Join the chat online from 10 am on the COOPA Facebook page. Click link to like page and get notifications




Wednesday, September 6, 2023

NUJ Announces 2023 Press Week Award Entries

Priscilla Akpanettot

The Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ), Akwa Ibom State Council has made known award entries for the 2023 Press Week coming up in December.

The entries include: Aviation Reporter of the Year, Feature Writer of the Year, Columnist of the Year, Sports Writer of the Year, Legislative Reporter of the Year, Judiciary Reporter of the Year, Broadcast Reporter of the Year (Television and Radio), Education Reporter of the Year, Agriculture Reporter of the Year, Environment Reporter of the Year as well as Information Officer of the Year.

Special Awards include: Umo Eno Award for Development Journalist, Ray Ekpu Award for Best Investigative Reporter (Sponsored by Inoyo Toro Foundation); U&K Awards for Female Journalists, Nelson Etukudo Awards for Print Journalist of the Year and Ibanga Isine Award for Impactful Journalism.

Meanwhile, media organizations will be awarded under: Newspaper of the Year and Broadcast Station of the Year (Television and Radio).

According to the Chairman, Planning Committee of the 2023 Press Week, Comrade Helen John, the entries are to be submitted between 1st - 30th September, 2023 at the Press Centre, Off IBB Avenue in Uyo.

The entries must be works published between 1st December, 2022 and 31st August, 2023.  

The Press Week is an annual event where Journalists sit back to  celebrate, reminisce and relax from the hassles of their job. 

The recognition and award of outstanding Journalists is a tradition of this event and is often attended by key stakeholders in the society. 

The theme for this year's Press Week is "Development Journalism: Setting the Agenda on Climate Change".

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Teachers who don't stay in their stations risk losing their jobs - SUBEB

Rt. Hon. Anietie Etuk, flanked by members of the State Universal Basic Education Board (SUBEB)

 …Disciplinary Team to ensure compliance upon School resumption

Priscilla Akpanettot

The Akwa Ibom State Universal Basic Education Board (SUBEB) has warned Primary School teachers in the State to stay and live in their stations or risk losing their jobs.

The Chairman and members of the board gave the warning on Monday, September 4, 2023, during an interaction with Head Teachers of Primary Schools in Eket Senatorial District.

Chairman of the Board, Rt. Hon. Anietie Etuk (Ph.D) explained that the Board settled for this disciplinary measure following observations that many of the teachers resume for work very late, due to the distance from their places of residence to the School they teach.

Members of the Head Table

This he said, was the reason many Pupils loiter and play around their School’s premises for the most part of the productive hours of the day; and that Schools without the presence of a resident teacher are prone to being vandalized or used for the practice of vices.    

“One of the regular challenge we have is that Government will provide infrastructure and the Community will vandalize them or struggle for the land. Although we are making provision for security in our schools, your presence in that Community will curtail some of these things”. 

“This is not to say that Communities should not take responsibility for their Schools. All Communities which have Schools should begin to take charge and protect whatever is sent to their Schools; forward cases of vandalism to the Board”, he charged. 

A section of the Head Teachers

Frowning at the activities of some Head Teachers, the Board Chairman exposed that they were in the habit of permitting absenteeism and lateness to work; giving excuses for other teachers, engaging in mindless chats during school hours while making the Pupils labour in their farms; leaving School before the close of work and so on.

“Some of you are the problems in the system. You do not report erring teachers but cover them up and allow these kids to suffer neglect and abandonment. Yet, you get your full pay and allowances when due”. 

“All of these will be over as the new academic session resumes because we have set-up a disciplinary team involving the Local Government Commission, Nigerian Union of Teachers (NUT) and other relevant stakeholders to reinforce monitoring and sanction.

Another section of the Head Teachers

If a team comes to your School and meets your absence or you don’t report your teachers, you will be queried and subsequently dismissed from work”.

“We came to tell you that distant teaching will no longer be tolerated, stay in your station. Pay a house and stay in that community. Stay within the time-frame of School hours. Live to your responsibilities as teachers; stop laboring the children, they are not farmers.  Complement Government’s efforts to revamp the system”, he appealed with passion.

Meanwhile, Dr. Etuk applauded some of the Head teachers who were doing their best to uphold the standard of education in the State. He described them as relevant stakeholders in state-building and related Governor Umo Eno’s commendation to them.

“The Governor recognizes teachers as serious stakeholders and drivers of his plans so, one can joke with you”, he said.

Recalling that the Governor had declared a State-of-emergency on basic education as soon as he came on board, the Chairman explained that this meant a total overhaul of the Primary School system where infrastructure and a suitable learning atmosphere will be provided for Pupils, while teachers will be provided with a comfortable quarters.

At the meeting, held at Government Primary School, Usung Inyang in Eket Local Government Area, a Head Teacher in the district (name withheld) was called out for being the worst in the area and recommended for dismissal. 

The meeting had in attendance, members of the Board who took turns to corroborate the Chairman’s remarks and spelt-out stiff sanctions for defaulters; Education Secretaries in each of the Local Government comprising Eket Senatorial District as well as representative of AUPCTRE in the area.  

The meeting which was the last lap of interaction with teachers in the State before the resumption of the2023/2024 academic session was previously held in Uyo and Ikot Ekpene Senatorial Districts.

Monday, September 4, 2023

Press Release


Sequel to the approval and directive of the Executive Committee of COOPA for the conduct of its 2023 Election which was issued on Saturday, August 26, 2023, the Electoral Committee hereby wishes to notify members of COOPA and the general public of its schedule/timetable as follows:

Election Time Table

Activity 1: Purchase of Forms

Date: Monday 4th - Friday 8th of September, 2023

Time: 10:am to 4:00pm 

Activity 2: Submission of forms/Screening of candidates

Date: Monday, September 11, 2023

Time: 10:00am to 4:00pm 


Activity 3: Consultations/Campaign

Date: Wednesday 13th - Monday 25th, September, 2023

Activity 4: Declaration of Interest/Manifesto Presentation

Date: Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Time: 10:00am to 4:00pm

Activity 5: Election

Date: Saturday, September 30, 2023

Time: 2:00pm to 3:00pm


Priscilla Akpanettot 

Secretary, Electoral Committee 


Sunday, September 3, 2023

Ikot Oku Ikono Flyover: Afia Nsit Community Bleeds

Priscilla Akpanettot

All is not well with Afia Nsit, a quiet settlement in Nsit Ibom Local Government Area where the drainage collecting flood water from Ikot Oku Ikono Flyover is situated. The community which has become a victim of the Flyover project has counted more than a thousand losses ranging from lives to properties since the construction of the drainage.

Anyone passing or driving through the recently constructed Flyover of the Governor Udom Emmanuel’s administration will simply appreciate the aesthetics of its construction and applaud the initiative to ease vehicular traffic around the area, without knowing what turbulent troubles the host communities are going through.

Endpoint of the drainage

From the East of the Flyover to the West, North and South; sad tales abound of how the much-talked-about Flyover has become a nightmare to the host communities, particularly Afia Nsit which houses the drainage conveying the flood water gathered by the Flyover.

The drainage which is a mega wide opening on the right side of the untarred access road leading to the community from the Flyover is not only wide but deep and stretches into the depth of the village. Moreso, it is open and unguarded, without any form of illumination to forestall accidents at night.

A sight of the flood effect

When it rains, the flood waters from Abak, Idoro, Etinan and Ikot Oku Ikono road which all gather under the Flyover, are poured into the drainage, to meet the flood water from Arc. Nyaetok’s Novone Estate, Godswill Obot Akpabio International Stadium and its environs before invading the community. So heavy is the force and volume of the water that it overfills the drainage within minutes and pours out on the community, making the untarred muddy road slippery and impassable.  At the point of being filled, the uncovered drainage becomes invisible and a threat to members of the community who must cross the flood-covered drainage to get to and out of their homes.

Consequently, a number of valuables including two people have been drowned in the killer water. The situation is even more terrible for Pupils of St. Stephen African Church School, a government-managed School with its entrance at the wide-mouthed drainage.

Also, the surrounding farmlands have been in ruins since the Flyover was constructed as all the residues of the flood including plastics, rubber, carcasses of animals and all sort of wastes are emptied on the entire land mass of the community, making it a permanent dump site.

As a result, the stench of the decomposing wastes have made life in the hitherto ecofriendly community unbearable, coupled with its accompanying health hazards of being a breeding ground for well-fed mosquitoes.   

A decomposing body was found here a year ago

Upon enquiry, the Village Head of Afia Nsit, Obong E. E. Akpan bitterly lamented the ugly significance of the Flyover and its attendant effect on members of the community. His responses to questions asked further blew the mind of this reporter.

“If it rains now, you can’t enter this place. Nobody comes around here when it rains to avoid being carried away and it will take up to four days for the waters to recede”.

The dead River which once served the domestic needs of the community

“The only edible water (river) we used to have has been filled up by the sand accompanying the flood so we neither have water to drink nor road to our houses. We buy water from the only borehole around and enter our homes from Mbak Nsit, the next community”.

“This was where they were meant to stop this drainage (pointing towards Usak River). The drainage was meant to be a 2.5 Kilometer construction, leading to Usak River which will take the flood water to Mbiokporo River but they stopped at 1.7 Kilometer because they saw this swamp (Ekaiso).

The other part of the community geographically divided by the flood is now accessed by this 'bridge'

“This is not a normal swamp because we used to drink from it and use it for other domestic purposes. It was very neat and clean. We asked them to channel the water here so that the flood can move straight to Mbiokporo River but they saw this swamp and the river down there (Idim Mbed) and decided to channel the flood there.

“This whole place has become ravineous and our community has been geographically divided by the flood”, he said.

Julius Berger's marking, indicating the end point of the drainage

Their numbers were written on this tree's trunk

When contacted to confirm the Village Head’s report, the constructing firm, Julius Berger became very hostile and aggressive, and demanded an official letter before obliging any information. They however referred this Reporter to the Ministry of Works.

At the Ministry of Works, the Supervising Engineer refused to respond to questions on the construction without the permission of his Boss, the Commissioner. A staff of the Ministry however insisted that “the length of the flood control project is 2.2km with an access road” and had been duly constructed and delivered to the community.  

The Primary School facing the drainage

After submitting the letter to Julius Berger, the construction firm is yet to respond, despite four visits to their office at Itam Industrial Layout.

The Community wants the drainage area properly channeled to the agreed point; covered and lighted at night to avoid accidents. They also have a need for water and protection from the hazards of the stagnated flood water. They are therefore calling on the government to act responsively to their plights in time to avert further damages to lives and properties.

See videos of interviews with members of the community on:

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