Sunday, September 17, 2023

The Risks we take daily


One of the biggest risks we take everyday is using public means of transportation. You totally submit yourself to the reckless care of one indifferent driver and he drives you straight to the grave.

Truly, if the Lord had not been on our side, many of us would have been lost and forgotten on highways and roadsides, by errant drivers.

Drivers whose sole aim is to arrive their destination and return for another trip within the shortest possible time should be most dreaded.

They're blind to gallops, road-bumps, portholes or sharp bends, and their kind of speed is the one that kills.
They can overtake, swerve and bend in a way that makes you think they have a spare life. Try to talk some caution into them and you'll have it hot. "I've been driving since 1900 and I've never had an accident", one of them boasted yesterday. "It's our road, so no shaking", he added.

As you go out and return each day, remember to thank God for always taking the wheels off the hands of these killers.
As your loved one returns from any trip, thank God for bringing them back safely.

You're no way better than those who were called to go identify a family member's body thrown on the roadside by a random driver.

God help us!

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