Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Ubong Archibong Emerges Itam Market President


…promises improved infrastructural devt, security of goods

Priscilla Akpanettot

Comrade Ubong Sunday Archibong has been sworn in as the 5th President of Etaha Itam, a business hub in Akwa Ibom State popularly called Itam Market. 

His inauguration as President occurred on Tuesday, May 14, 2024 at the section of the market known as “night market”, where the market is said to have begun originally.

Archibong who polled a total of 96 votes against his opponent, Elder Emmanuel Benedict who had 77 votes,  becomes the 1st Market President from Nung Ukot Itam in Itu to clinch the elevated market position and will hold the position for the next three years. 

Addressing a cross section of traders, Archibong told them of his desire to transform Itam into an international model market where issues of insecurity and loss of wares would be a thing of the past.

“We will ensure that high level of decorum is maintained every market day. Our market will be well developed; our medical facility will be top notch; our goods and properties will be well-secured and we will ensure that a security/police post is installed at Etaha Itam to forestall the loss of items and properties”, he said.

He furthered that the drainage system in Etaha Itam International Market will be duly maintained through the prompt evacuation and removal of wastes, while the welfare of traders would be prioritized. 

While stressing that the desire of his administration would be to make Etaha Itam Market a conducive place for buying and selling, he stated that this desire was irrespective of the traders’ tribe, ethnicity and religion. As such, he sought the traders’ support and cooperation in his bid to advance the course of the market, and encouraged his co-contestants to bring in their good intentions and ideas to help build the market.

In his remarks, the Chairman on the occasion and Senior Special Assistant to Governor Umo Eno on Brand Management and Marketing, Sir Raphael Edem tasked the elected Market Executives to stay committed to their goals and prospects for the traders, while charging the traders to support the new market executives.

 “This typifies governance. Government will work if everyone play their contributory role effectively”, he said.

Himself the patron of the market, Hon. Edem informed that Etaha Itam was one of the most significant markets in the State which had the attention of government due to its strategic location and being a rallying point for commercial activities situated in a strategic location.

 “As such, Government is very particular about this market and those trading here”.

Corroborating his assertion, the Senior Special Assistant to Governor Umo Eno on Trade and Marketing, Akparawa Idorenyin Raphael noted that government’s interest in the market was the reason the Governor recently appointed three additional aides on marketing, with a firm charge that they report matters of the market to him. He therefore thanked the Governor on his interest in the market and assured the traders that they would begin to count the dividends of the Governor’s selflessness in no time.

Meanwhile, the Transition Chairman, Itu Local Government Area, Hon. Barr. Etetim Onuk advised the newly elected market executives to work closely with the Board of Trustees and Local Government to ensure harmony of purpose at all times. Represented by the Local Government Revenue Committee Chairman, Hon. Patrick Ekim, the Chairman stressed that both bodies were cardinal to the smooth running of  every market and should therefore be prioritized.

In his address, the Chairman, Board of Trustees of the Market, Elder Godwin Ebong also advised the new Exco to carefully coordinate the affairs of the market which has been entrusted in their care, while ensuring to continue in some reforms introduced by the BOT. 

A highlight of the event was the presentation of soft grants to twenty (20) elderly traders by the Senior Special Assistant to Governor on Trade and Marketing, Akparawa Idorenyin Raphael, in commemoration of the Governor’s 60th birthday.

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